Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Barack Obama Meets Spider-Man!

According to Marvel’s Web site, the story, featured in Issue No. 538, will find Spider-Man attempting to stop one of his oldest foes from interfering with the inauguration. Obama is later introduced to Spidey and the pair share one of the politican’s signature fist-bumps.

“It was a natural after we learned the new president is a Spider-Man fan,” Marvel editor in chief Joe Quesada told USA Today on Thursday. “We thought, ‘Fantastic! We have a comic-book geek in the White House.’”

“We do our best to be completely non-partisan and treat presidents with respect. This is not so much a pro-Obama statement but a tip of the hat to having a Spider-Man fan in the White House.”

During his campaign for The White House, President-Elect Obama’s revealed that his favorite superheroes are Spider-Man and Batman; he even collect Spidey memorabilia.

The issue will be available for $3.99 at local comic book stores January 14.
President-Elect Barack Obama will meet Spider-Man in a special Inauguration Day issue of Marvel’s “The Amazing Spider-Man.

Good luck finding a copy tho, its already sold out, and most websites are sold out too. Look out for the second print.


Miss.Stefanie said...

Hahaha I loved this!

Ki said...

Obama is the sht!
;] I gotta find a comic
book store somewhere around

Athena Christine said...


She W0rd Hustlez said...

Lol, this was hot!

Rachel चाँद बच्चे said...

I heard about this is the making..haha. Pretty awesome.

Bombchell said...

they for real?