Alot of people dont know this about me but through just about my whole teenage years I was an aggressive rollerblader. I spent all my free time at the local skatepark, and skating around the city looking for steps and curbs. Although I pretty much grew out of it by the time I turned 18 I still try to keep up with the sport. I know its the cool thing to do to be a skateboarder nowadays, but I never was really into trends so I always did what I liked. The sport has changed tremendously since the last time I strapped up my skates but the love I have for it is still there, and everytime I see a handrail, I think in the back of my head, "damn, I should try to grind that!" lol. Check out this video and you can get a feel of what aggressive skating is like.
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Great site,this information really helped me , I really appreciate it.Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips. I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it. nice tip
that's pretty legit that you used to do that... very different. i like.
intense, much?
you should get back on it, in your freetime!
you dont wanna be 40 and wonder why you let your passion go. so get back to it whenever you get in the mood.
hey thats awesome :)
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nice tip
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