Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Best Movie of 2008!

Last night I watched one of the best movies of the year, in my opinion. My mom rented it and let me borrow it so I popped it in, and I was amazed at how detailed and interesting this movie was. If I would have known how good this movie was I would have seen it in the theaters! The movie was based on a story written by a black author named, James McBride, who also wrote the script for the movie. It was directed by non other than Spike Lee and he did an EXCELLENT job directing this film. The story focuses on the 93nd Infantry Division, which was the only African American infantry division to see combat in World War II, in there involvement in the Sant'Anna di Stazzema massacre that occured in Italy. Derek Luke and Michael Ealy do a great job in there respective rolls. If you havent seen this movie yet I suggest you rent it and check it out!

If you are interested in black history at all or history in general I would definitely take a look at the articles below.
To learn more about the 92nd Infantry Division click here.
To learn more about the Sant'Anna di Stazzema massacre click here.



Im so jealous because i have been wanting to buy this movie for the longest but i dont want to order it offline i guess i better get up and head to wal-mart or best buy or something.

Miss.Stefanie said...

I wanna see it!

Jillian said...

i heard this was a good movie!